NetRemote is the front-end interface for Girder 6. Typically people use NetRemote to control their homes or TVs. Are you looking for replace your remote control with a computer, phone or tablet based solution? NetRemote plus a PIR-1 is the solution!
NetRemote has two main version:
- NetRemote Dynamic - This is an easy to use drag and drop style interface no programming knowledge required. Have a look at our video library for NetRemote Dynamic in action.
- NetRemote - The full power of NetRemote unleased. This gives you the power to make any interface you could imagine. It's based on QML which uses Javascript as it's programming language.
Typical applications
NetRemote is incredibly flexible just as all our software is. That means you can adapt it to a huge number of use cases. In fact Promixis can help with that if you don't have time to setup the interface.
- Replace Remote Control
- Control your TV
- Control your audio equipment
- Do you have a physical disability or other mobility impairment and cannot use a remote or operate buttons around you? NetRemote + Girder gives you independence back!